Delightful Lina is one of our friendliest, most engaging escorts. She is very proud of her ability to get to know someone quickly, and she always finds something to like in everyone she meets. She is a firm believer in human connections and how important they are to our day-to-day existence. Furthermore, she studies philosophy part-time. “Lots of people waste their time doing lots of things in this world,” she says. “Me, I have always thought of people as what is important. It’s not how much money you have. It’s not your possessions. Furthermore, it’s people. It’s the connections you make with others. I am very fortunate to have a job where making connections with people are all part of my profession. When a client and I go out together, we’re seeing just where those connections are drawn. We’re seeing if the two of us hit it off and, if we do, where we can take it from there. I think that’s pretty wonderful. I make so many friends in this profession. It’s like that’s all I’m here to do, just enjoy myself and be friendly to people. It doesn’t get much more fulfilling than that.”
Lina is also known to be a real tease. “It’s true,” she says. “I love to be playful. I love to show off my body. I guess that makes me a tease, but it also makes me a lot of fun. And I like to go out dancing in nightclubs and kind of flirt with my date while I’m doing it. There’s nothing quite like showing someone that you’re completely focused on them and that you want to please them. How often do any of us get that kind of personalized attention? It’s definitely why my clients all like me so much.”
Age 23
Height 169 cm
Weight 55 kg
Hair Brunette
Ethnicity – Latina
Rate € 250 / hour
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